well hello

The most honest thing I can do is share my story
Your purpose has a funny way of finding you, quite humorous actually. Within 30 short days, I totaled my car, signed a year lease to an apartment and shortly after, a company merger did away with my position. This may seem like devastation to most but this was my warm welcome into full time entrepreneurship. On this journey, I’ve learned that devastation happens to lead you to your purpose. There will be challenges but figuring out how to make them work, on purpose and with purpose will serve the bigger picture.
Why product branding?
Design for me has alway been about marrying my interest. On the daily my design mood may change from monochromatic to neutral but what remains foundational are my love for texture and creating a balance between physical and digital design. What I love about product branding is that it allows me to be intentional with how someone interacts with their product packaging, it allows me to be hands on in creating the product photography and lastly, it allows me to use these foundational pieces to make an impact with a customer through web, advertising and beyond.
Fun Facts
At the tender age of 26 I learned that my birthmark is a port wine stain.
I pushed back my college graduation to study abroad.
The most unusual item in my office may be a 20 dollar bill with the words “2 Pall Mall Red”, as weird as this may seems, it reminds me of my grandfather.
At 14 I started working at Chick-fil-A and became a manager at 15. Yup, someone trusted me to open and close a store and make deposits. I like to think this was foundational moment to me being a leader and entrepreneur.
Whitney's Tiny but mighty bucketlist
Invent something and patent it
Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
Attend Art Basil in Miami
Go to China
Essence Festival with friends
Family Vacation in Hawaii
International Travel
Playa del Carmen · Chichen Itza · Tulum, Mexico // January 2020
Barcelona · San Sebastián · Madrid, Spain // October 2019
Tulum, Mexico // March 2019
Cartegena · Medellin Columbia // October 2018
Cabo San Luca, Mexico // March 2018
Bangkok · Phucket, Thailand // April 2017
London, England // February 2016
Cancun, Mexico // December 2015- New Years 2016
Paris, France // APril 2013
Rome · Vatican · Florence · Venice, Italy // May - June 2012
Montego Bay, Jamaica // October 2010